Stage Milk News (February) | Stage Milk

Stage Milk News (February)

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Exciting Stuff is Happening in 2014!

Hi Guys,

So a lot of exciting stuff is happening on Stage Milk in 2014. Here is a look at some of the new and upcoming things to look out for on the site…

Comments are Back!

We have had an unfortunate mishap with our comments, but they are now back up and running. Stage Milk puts up a lot of information each week and we encourage all our visitors to share their thoughts with us. Each page has a comment section at the bottom – so get involved. Alternatively you can contact us directly with any thoughts or suggestions.

We love to hear from our visitors, so please stay stay in touch.

Theatre Guides are Coming

We are currently creating a comprehensive theatre guide for all the major cities in Australia. If it is successful we will be taking our theatre guides international later on in the year. These guides will list all the straight-theatre productions going on in your city.

If you are putting on a theatre production in Australia in 2014 please contact us about promoting your show.

New Newsletter

We have recently added a newsletter to the site. This will come out every month. It will be really simple, basically keeping you posted with what’s happening on the site, and letting you see our latest articles, tips and lists.


Since our inception, we have focused on creating a content rich website, and not placed too much emphasis on social media, however, we are increasingly trying to create a lively community here on Stage Milk. If you would like to stay up to date with what is happening on the site, and have your say on our latest articles and lists, please check out our Facebook page and become apart of the Stage Milk community.

Thanks to everyone for all your support on the site thus far. We look forward to providing a great and informative site for all actors and theatre lovers around the world.

About the Author


is Stage Milk's core writer. He is a trained, Sydney based actor who writes the majority of our acting information.

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