Comments on: List of Acting Schools Acting Information, Monologues and Resources Mon, 08 Feb 2021 02:22:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrew Hearle Wed, 12 Jul 2017 23:54:58 +0000 In reply to Lesley.

Hi Lesley, thanks for your comment. I would have to disagree here. The major drama schools are still very well respected and especially for those interested in a career in theatre, studying at a film school would not be ideal. Most schools are much more balanced now. NIDA used to have a reputation for “breaking actors”, but with John at the head it’s a much more open and adaptive school. We love Screenwise and TAFTA, but in regards to a list of leading drama schools I don’t think anyone would place those schools above any of the major 3 year programs.

By: Lesley Tue, 11 Jul 2017 01:06:32 +0000 The Australian list isnt exactly correct these days. It’s widely known that actors graduating from NIDA, QUT and VCA are not as balanced, outstanding performers as these schools once produced. Many Australian actors undertake training privately or at smaller screen schools such as Screenwise in New South Wales and The Australian Film & Television Academy (TAFTA) in Melbourne. The smaller schools prepare the actors for real work on set, whereas the universities only shape the actors into a certain type of performer, often limiting their range of ability and not preparing them for the reality of life as an actor. I work in admin in performing arts education in Australia. I hear this point of view from many directors and acting coaches.

By: Deena Freeman Tue, 13 Sep 2016 07:39:47 +0000 HI,
You must add The Speiser/Sturges acting studio to the list of best acting schools. Check out their website. Aaron is a gifted teacher and in a league by himself. Shannon is an incredible teacher as well. I have studied with Aaron for a number of years.,.. He is Will Smith’s acting coach as well as a coach to many more stars.
By the way, there is no mention of an acting school for teens which I run, called, Deena Freeman’s Teen Acting Classes. I have many years experience and am trained by Aaron. He and Shannon send me students. Please check out my website:
